Shingo Sato ~ The Delicate Art of Draping
The art of draping dates back to 3500 BCE. It began with the Mesopotamians and Ancient Egyptians. Greek fashion decided to adopt the art of draping and create silhouettes like the chiton, peplos, chlamys and himation. You can see this technique influence fashion through-out the decades, holding strong to this very day.
Top 10 Tips ~ Impacting the Fashion Industry
We are committed to inspiring, educating and illuminating the way for the next generation of designers and visionaries. This is your year to make an impact, so we’ve created a list of the top 10 tips from our gifted team of experts to help you make an impact on the fashion industry this year.
Alex Anh ~ Dream College Alert!
Have you been dreaming of a career in fashion but you’re not quite sure where to start? At The Cut Fashion Academy we can show you firsthand how participating in one of our many courses can ignite your career in ways you can’t even imagine.
Let’s Talk ~ Magali Blanc, Fashion Designer & Illustrator
If you’re contemplating a career in fashion, you can learn from some of the best in the industry at The Cut Fashion Design Academy. It’s an opportunity to absorb the knowledge of designers, illustrators, pattern makers, creative directors, and marketers who have unparalleled real-world experience—and they want to share their expertise with their students.
Clarissa Gallaccio ~ Maintain a Work Study Balance
If you’ve ever wondered whether working full-time and going to fashion school could be a reality, Clarissa Gallaccio is here to tell you it’s possible.
Selina Yang ~ Designing Her Future in Fashion
Have you ever wondered what it’s like to be a fashion student at the Cut? Selina Yang, a student at the Cut Fashion Design Academy, speaks about how the portfolio program has kick-started her career in fashion and sets her up to apply to the university of her dreams.
WasteUp: A Sustainable Way to Repurpose Fast Fashion’s Overstock
What if there was a sustainable method for the fast fashion giants to reuse their own overstock? Introducing Waste Up, a method of using deadstock to create yardage, and selling it back to the fast fashion companies for them to reuse and profit from.