Shingo Sato ~ The Delicate Art of Draping

The art of draping dates back to 3500 BCE. It began with the Mesopotamians and Ancient Egyptians. Greek fashion incorporated draping and create silhouettes like the chiton, peplos, chlamys, and himation. You can see this technique influence fashion throughout the decades and is a ‘classic’ style to this very day. 

When a garment is artfully draped, it expresses fall, fluidity and fold, thus enhancing the form in incredible ways. Shingo Sato's Transformational Reconstruction Technique is a combination of flat patternmaking techniques and three-dimensional draping techniques at the dress form. 

It takes the concept of draping and adds structure and dimension. TRT technique is a more intuitive, organic design process than the conventional + 1 / -1 mathematical-based pattern cutting systems you may be used to. TRT technique allows through trial and error, the discovery of chanced upon happy mistakes.

Dutch designer, Iris Van Herpen is a stand-out example of someone who is elevating the draping game. Continuously pushing boundaries in the creative sphere, she combines the traditional and the radical to create unique, unfamiliar forms. The sculptural nature of her designs is transformative and monumental to the fashion industry. 

Are you inspired yet? We thought so! These outstanding visionaries are just a drop in the ocean for the talent that moves the fashion industry forward. So why not join the movement?

Written by Melissa Hegarty |


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